

Do you ever look through your home and feel that you have too many belongings? In the United States, the average home has 300,000 items and there are more self-storage facilities than there are McDonald’s restaurants. This being said, if you feel like your home is too full – it probably is. Having too much clutter can leave you feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

To remedy this, here are 5 easy ways to take on a minimalist approach, and rid yourself of some of those belongings!

1. Consider the True Value of These Items. Think about value in regards to how meaningful an item is to you – not its going rate on eBay. It is not just about ridding yourself of your excess possessions, it is about giving importance to the things you value the most. Decide which are actually meaningful to you, and why. What brings you joy? What do you feel comfortable not having around anymore? Think about the reasons why you perceive something to be important to you. If there are things you can do without, do yourself a favour and let them go.

2. Have a Place for Everything. Just because you want to keep something, that does not mean it needs to be displayed. If you do not use it every day, find a convenient spot for it and keep it out of sight. Keep surfaces as clear and clutter-free as possible – the less stuff you see, the less stressed you will be. Having your items organized will also make it easier for you to realize when you have too much of something or when something needs to be replaced.

3. Reduce Quantities. Things have a way of accumulating. Every few months, take an inventory of your belongings and donate or throw out anything you do not need. You will never get rid of everything, but cut down on whatever you can.

For Example: You need towels, everyone does, but do you need 40 of them? Put all of your towels in a pile and pick 4-5 for every person in the household. Toss the raggedy ones and keep only the nicest ones – odds are these are the ones you have been using anyway.

4. Skip the Sales. Are you really saving money if you purchase something you do not need or will never use? It is easy to get enticed by sale stickers but these are usually the items that end up collecting dust. Be mindful of your needs while you shop and try to avoid impulse purchases. If you see something you like, give yourself one night to think about it – you may find you do not feel the same way about it the next day.

5. Do Not Just Organize, Purge. Organizing means moving things around – make sure you are able to get rid of belongings when you clean as well. Consider how often you go shopping and bring new items home – there is no wonder that our homes fill so quickly. We buy, buy, buy, but often forget to make room for the new by getting rid of the old. If you have not touched something in six months – there is a good chance you do not need it. Shop to replace things instead of shopping to add things. Make a note in your calendar to do a quarterly purge.

Tip: When you are changing over your closet from summer to winter, and vice versa, hang up all your clothing items with the hangers facing the same way. Every time you take an item down to wear, hang it back the opposite way. At the end of the season, donate or sell any of the items that are still facing the original way. If you did not wear it all season, you probably will not wear it next time around, either.

How do you keep your home clutter-free?